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Corso di Laurea Triennale in Lingue, Letterature e Studi Interculturali


To enrol in the course of study in Languages, Literatures and Intercultural Studies, future students must hold:

  • high school diploma or equivalent degree;
  • good general culture;
  • mastery of both oral and written Italian;
  • basic knowledge of at least one foreign language.

The degree program has no access restrictions. An adequate preparation is however required: For each course there is a certain pre-defined knowledge that the student must necessarily possess in order to enrol and to take the courses with positive results. To verify the students’ preliminary knowledge, they need to take a self-assessment test, which is mandatory but not binding for admission purposes. Additional training requirements (OFA) may be indicated as a result of this test.

The international curricula in Italian-German Bilateral Studies and Italian-Hungarian Bilateral Studies as agreed with the Universities of Bonn and Budapest ELTE and Debrecen, are accessed by passing a selection interview as laid out in the relevant announcement published on the School's website (see link).

For further information:

last update: 22-Oct-2021
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