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Presentation of the Course



The degree program in Languages, Literatures and Intercultural Studies is divided into three  curricula that lead to different qualifications. In addition to their immediate career opportunities, they prepare for subsequent training in preparation for both teaching and research activities:

  1. Curriculum 1: Linguistics, Literary and Intercultural Studies - It aims to promote the study of two “Languages” and their respective “Literature”, among those provided for in the study plan, throughout the three-year-long bachelor’s program. All “Language” courses include in the syllabus a laboratory linked to the chosen languages. The study of “Languages” and “Literature” will have as its essential foundation the learning of the basic methods of linguistics (in particular the foundations relating to phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, in addition to typology and contrastive linguistics), philology and literary criticism. The curriculum also promotes the knowledge of the cultural realities related to the languages studied, in view of an intercultural education and with the acquisition of historical and geographical knowledge. It thus opens employment opportunities in cultural services and institutions, as well as in publishing.
  2. Curriculum 2: Bilateral Studies: Italian-German (see brochureand Curriculum 3: Bilateral Studies: Italian-Hungarian. Using the cooperation of European universities, the bilateral curricula have restricted access and aim to provide specific skills in the field of Italian language and culture and a foreign language and culture with a view to acquiring professional skills relating to the various aspects of cultural relations between the countries concerned, it opens employment opportunities both in cultural services and institutions, in publishing, and in diplomatic and consular representations. In the framework of the relevant intergovernmental agreements, and on the basis of specific scientific and learning agreements ( aimed at increasing internationalization processes, innovative training projects have been developed (using also  multilingual interactive platforms) between the University of Florence and the Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelm-Universität of Bonn, the Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem (ELTE) of Budapest, and the Université Paris 8 respectively. According to the MIUR note of 16 February 2011, which implements DM 22 September 2010, n. 17, these agreements provide for the further development of the mobility of students and teaching staff; the acquisition of an academic qualification, both Italian and foreign, according to the type b) indicated in the note itself, is also envisaged.


- linguistic and cultural mediation activities in public bodies, such as courts, detention institutions, migrant centres, national and international centres for volunteering and assistance.

- positions in editing and transcreation of texts in publishing and journalism

- language consultancy in publishing (traditional and electronic), radio-television media, literary and cultural agencies, in the art and entertainment industry.

- Producers and organizers of meetings, conferences, events, festivals, managed by public and private companies, national and international.



A High School diploma or equivalent title; mastery of both oral and written Italian. The knowledge of the Italian language will be verified through an initial test, which is compulsory and must be taken before sitting for any exam but does not prevent enrolment. The degree program refers to the annual call issued by the School of Humanities and Education, containing the rules on how, when and where to take the test, which is the same for all programs coordinated by the School. The call for applications will be adequately advertised on the School website. There are several sessions, one of which is before the beginning of the classes. Any shortcomings, which do not however prevent enrolment, will result in additional learning obligations (OFA) that can be attained through the remedial courses organized by the School. The orientation delegates of the degree program are available to give guidance and clarifications to all prospective students. Specific discussions on the entrance test will take place during the Open Day and the course presentations.

The bilateral curricula, however, as agreed with the Universities of Bonn and Budapest ELTE, can be accessed only by passing the selection interview in accordance with the relevant announcement published on the School website. 



Attendance is compulsory for full-time students and assumes participation in at least two-thirds of the lectures. Given the number and variety of subjects offered by the degree program, particularly in related and supplementary subjects, overlapping may occur. In such occurrences the student must report the inconvenience to the teaching staff of the overlapping subjects, who will have to make sure the student has the opportunity to sit for both exams. The degree program, in accordance with the norms of the University, allows access to students who are also involved in other activities such as work. In such cases, students may obtain to attain a lower number of CFUs per year, according to the rules of the University (part-time status). The course does not provide specific teaching methods for these students. Students enrolled in part-time mode are exempt from attendance.

Students must take foreign language and literature exams according to the order in which they are set in the syllabus, respecting the precedence: Language I must be taken before Language II and Language II before Language III, as well as Literature I before Literature II. The learning of foreign literatures begins in the second year. All the philology subjects are intended to be chosen from among the philologies offered in one of the languages chosen by the student and are taken in the second year. It is recommended, where possible, to choose the philology of the language that the student intends to study for all three years. In particular, as regards the subjects in the L-LIN/10 and L-LIN/12 groups, please note the following: during the English Language 1 course there will be an evaluation test aimed at verifying the knowledge of the language at the required B2 level. This test is a pre-requisite in order to sit for the English Language 1 exam. To access English Language 2 (second year), students must have registered the result of English Language 1 by September of the year in which the English Language 2 takes place. By the same token, to take English Language 3 (third year), students must have successfully passed English Language 2 by September of the year in which English Language 3 takes place. In addition, to take the English Literature 1 exam, students must have already passed the English Language 1 exam. 



The duration of the undergraduate degree program in Languages, Literatures and Intercultural Studies (L-11) is three years. The student must acquire 180 CFU to be able to graduate. The workload of full-time students is 60 CFU per year. The student who has obtained 180 CFU, in compliance with the teaching regulations, can obtain the title even before the end of the three years. The basic and characterizing training activities are common to the curricula of the degree course for at least 60 CFU.

  1. EUROPEAN AND NON-EUROPEAN LANGUAGES: Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, French, Japanese, English, Portuguese and Brazilian, Russian, Spanish, German, Turkish, Comparative Slavic Languages, Finno-Ugric.
  2. EUROPEAN AND NON-EUROPEAN LITERATURES: Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, French, Japanese, English, Portuguese and Brazilian, Russian, Spanish, German, Turkish, Comparative Slavic, Finno-Ugric
  3. PHILOLOGY: Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Finno-Ugric.
  4. OTHER SUBJECTS OFFEREDThe related and supplementary subjects are grouped into disciplines that, besides broadening and diversifying the courses offered, allow to deepen some subjects that are particularly important for the access to school teaching public competitions and that are expression of the different academic projects present in the degree program. 
    In a grouping (Group A14), the emphasis is placed on the Italian literary tradition (LFIL-LET/10; L-FIL-LET/11), broadened in a European comparative perspective (L-FIL-LET/14), and on Italian linguistics (L-FIL-LET/12), in a contrasting perspective with respect to the foreign languages studied. In order to meet educational needs related to international bilateral paths, some academic disciplines are also included, grouped as follows: GROUP A11 (L-ART/02; L-ART/05; L-ART/06); GROUP A12 (L-LIN/02; M-PED/01, M-PED/03); GROUP A13 (M-FIL/04; M-FIL/06; M-STO/08; M-PSI/04); GROUP A15 (L-FIL-LET/15; L-FIL-LET/09; L-LIN/19; L-LIN-21). The range of related activities is set at 18-18 CFU.  


Students can also attend a “Laboratory of digital culture for the humanities”.

Agreements with local and national institutes, research entities and businesses allow to acquire 12 CFU by doing traineeships/internships (among Other Activities or in the CFUs dedicated to electives). Internships and traineeships are also held within the School. Internships and traineeships, as well as computer knowledge require to sit for a test, with issuance of a certification by the respective supervisor. 

Upon authorization of the degree course, it is possible to acquire CFU in further training activities, with travel and study stays abroad. In order to ensure the consistency of these activities with the profile of the degree program, in particular in the choice of the institution or entity in which they will be held, the student must seek preliminary approval by the Delegate for the Internships and the traineeships of their degree program.

The CFU of the learning activities chosen independently by the student must be consistent with the training project of the degree program and, above all, with the individual study plan; when making their choice, students will also take into account the advice of their thesis supervisor, in any case, the relevant CFU must be acquired with the approval by the Degree Program Board related to the student’s study plan. “Elective subjects” include in any case all the subjects activated by the University, with its own separate examination code. An internship can be considered as an elective subject and can count for up to 12 CFU.

The student's electives (12-24 CFU) are varied, in order to allow the study of those subjects, especially of a general nature, which have met the students' favour, or to meet educational needs in bilateral agreements with partner universities. In the general curriculum Linguistics, Literary and Intercultural Studies, the number of elective credits (12 CFU) is identical to that of the other curricula of the various degree courses of the School of Humanities and Education. In the international curricula, however (Italian-German Bilateral Studies and Italian-Hungarian Bilateral Studies), there are 18 and 24 credits respectively dedicated to electives, in accordance with the joint study plan between the partner universities, in order to guarantee the reciprocity according to the agreements established by the universities concerned.

For a complete picture of the study paths, see art  17 of the Teaching Regulations a.y. 2019 - 2020



The educational program consists of modules, each of which is made up of 36 or 72 hours of face-to-face lectures, equivalent to 6 CFU and 12 CFU respectively. 

The language learning will be organized according to the most appropriate teaching program in relation to the language and by common agreement between the course holder and the mother tongue lecturers. For the year-long course, equivalent to 12 CFU, there are 2 modules of 6 CFU. The first module, which provides 30 hours of face-to-face lectures, is delivered by the tenured teacher. In the second, the hours by the tenured teacher will be flanked by the hours of the laboratory held by the mother-tongue lecturer, according to the learning requirements of each language, in order to guarantee that the student can take the greatest number of classes of the total hours of the laboratory.

Workshops for language learning and other training activities are also included in the program. The web will be used both for videoconference connections, and to present and send learning materials.


The educational program consists of modules, each of which is made up of 36 or 72 hours of face-to-face lectures, equivalent to 6 CFU and 12 CFU respectively.
Language Courses however, entail 75 hour s of Laboratory and in this case the CFU/hour ratio is 1:5 (as opposed to the usual CFU/hour ratio of 1:6).

Students will be able to learn the foundations of the subjects taught with a particular focus on methodology and the syllabi will be in line with the amount of the CFUs assigned to each subject.

The language learning will be organized according to the most appropriate format in relation to the language taught and by common agreement between the professor holding the course and the mother tongue lecturers according to the learning schedule requirements, in order to guarantee that students can take advantage of the maximum possible of the total hours of the seminars/laboratories. The 12 CFU Language Courses are annual and comprise two forms of parallel learning activities, one by the professor holding the course and another by the language lecturers. The 6 CFU language courses are organized in semesters following the same process.

Workshops for other training activities are also included. The web will be used both for videoconference connections, and to present and send learning materials.

At the end of the courses, students will take the corresponding exams. Basic activities (TAF A), characterizing activities (TAF B), related and integrative activities (TAF C) all have graded exams and the total number of courses ranges between 16 and 19. The study path ends with the graduation exam.

The exams, except the language ones, consist for the most part in an oral interview in Italian, covering the syllabus discussed in the lectures or, for students not attending classes, a syllabus agreed with the teacher. Written and oral exams carried out during the course may contribute to the final mark.

The language exams consist of written and oral tests, and may include mid-term ones, set by the professor and the language lecturer. The oral exam of the Language subject is normally carried out in the language being studied. Language certificates issued by external certifying bodies are normally not recognized as eligible CFU; in exceptional cases they will be assessed individually by the language teacher concerned, who will decide if they are eligible for possible conversion into CFU.


The final exam, to which 12 CFUs are attributed, consists in the discussion, in front of a Board of examiners appointed by the study program, of a written work on a subject agreed by the student and the professor of the language and/or literature in which at least 12 CFUs have been obtained. The final exam will focus in a discipline comprised among the basic, characterizing and related and supplementary and assumes that students have obtained in the discipline in which they intend to graduate at least 12 CFU. Students can also graduate in a discipline in which they have acquired only 6 CFUs. by applying to the degree program board. The request must be adequately motivated and endorsed by the lecturer of the chosen discipline. Students wishing to graduate in a basic, characterizing or similar and integrative discipline must choose a topic associated with a language or literature studied in the three-year period. While not requiring original work, the student must show analytical and synthetic skills, knowing how to apply the methodology of scientific work. The assessment will also take into account the student's career in relation to the duration of their academic career. A maximum increase of four points above the weighted average can be achieved, with the addition of 1 point in case the student graduated within the end of the normal three-year cycle. 


First level Master Course and Master's Degree.



The lectures are held mostly in Via Santa Reparata 93 and Via Gino Capponi 9, but also in other locations (Via Laura 48, Via San Gallo 10, via Bolognese 52), which are always specified in the lecture timetable at the beginning of each semester.

The Humanities Library (with study rooms) is located in piazza Brunelleschi 4.

The Battilani room is located in Via Santa Reparata 27






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