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The graduation procedure


The final exam, to which 12 CFU are attributed, consists in the discussion, in front of an examination board appointed by the degree program, of a dissertation on a subject agreed between the student and the supervisor, relating to a discipline (basic, characterizing, related or supplementary or elective) in which 12 CFUs or 6 CFUs have been attained. In case only 6 CFUs have been attained, the President of the degree program must receive a request for authorization via the appropriate form below. The student can submit his or her thesis request to the supervisor with a maximum debt of 36 CFU still to be attained (excluding the 12 CFU of the final exam). Students wishing to graduate in a basic, characterizing or similar and integrative discipline must choose a topic associated with a language or literature studied in the three-year period. While not requiring original work, the student must show analytical and synthetic skills, knowing how to apply the methodology of scientific work. The assessment will also take into account the student's career in relation to the duration of their academic career. A maximum increase of four points above the weighted average  can be achieved, with the addition of 1 point in case the student graduated within the end of the normal three-year cycle.


Application form to write the thesis in disciplines in which only 6 CFUs have been obtainedThe form needs to be signed by the student and their supervisor and then sent to the Student Academic Career Office (, and to the President of the Study Program.


Go to the School's website for detailed information 




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