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Post-graduate studies

Master’s degree 

To enrol in a Master’s degree, you must hold a university degree or diploma of a three-year duration - or another academic qualification obtained abroad, recognized as suitable - and must have specific curricular requirements and appropriate preparation, verified in the ways as defined in the regulations of the master degree courses, which also indicate the specific access criteria.

Orientation and Job Placement

 The Orientation and Job Placement Service (OJP) promotes, supports, unifies and enhances the outgoing orientation services of the individual Schools. OJP offers students and graduates information and training to build their professional identity and career planning. 


It is a database that collects a wide documentation concerning all the graduates of the Universities that are part of the association AlmaLaurea. The purpose of the database is to facilitate the youth’s access to the job market, facilitate companies in the search for personnel, optimize the demand and supply of qualified work.

Master Courses

It is a post-graduate academic title in scientific and higher education, following the achievement of a Bachelor’s degree (1st Level Master Course) or a Master's degree (2nd Level Master Course).

Post-graduate administrative office

This office is responsible for all administrative practices concerning the career of students enrolled in Post-graduate courses.

Teachers Training

The University of Florence has, among the programs it offers a specific one dedicated to foundational education (five-year single-cycle degree in Primary Education) and Master degrees in secondary school teaching, according to the new competition classes set out in D.P.R. n. 19 of 14 February 2016) and to the continuing education of teachers in service in schools of every level.

Advanced training courses

These courses represent a path of academic deepening and specific disciplinary updating.

For further information, please refer to the School page.




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