Meetings with Culture
Book presentation: "Non mi puoi cancellare dalla tua memoria” by Benno Geiger and Stefan Zweig Letters 1904 - 1936, edited by Diana Battisti, foreword by Marco Meli. See Poster
Florence, 20 December 2019
Chen Xi Exhibition In Prato from 8 October 2019. Go to the Poster
Italian-Hungarian seminar, "The memory of dissent in literary writing". See Poster and brochure
Florence, 27-29 November 2019 .
Prof. Roberto Rosselli del Turco, "An introduction to digital editions. Preparation with TEI XML encoding and visualization with the EVT software"
Florence, 4-5 December 2019
Prof. Alberto Jori, "Judaism, Anti-Semitism and Battle for Tolerance in 18th century Germany"
Florence, 27 November 2019
Prof. Christopher Busch, "Formreservoir Unger-Fraktur. Zur Literatur- und Ideengeschichte von Typographie
Florence, 12 November 2019
Prof. P. Gonneau, "The many deaths of Ivan the Terrible"
Florence, 6 November 2019
International seminar, “Slavic Philology today. Reflections forty years after the death of Angiolo Danti (1979-2019)”
Florence, 4-5 November 2019
National Chinese Education Competition
Florence, 17-18 October 2019
5th Anniversary of the Confucius Institute
Florence, 17 October 2019
Chen Xi Exhibition
Prato, from 8 October 2019
V Confucius Institute Day
Florence, 4 October 2019
Florence for Silvio Ramat
Florence, 2 October 2019
Silvia d'Intino (CNRS, Paris), “Vedic ideas on earth”
Florence, 18 June 2019
Sobre preposiciones y otras particulas
Florence, 3 May 2019
Florence for Claudio Magris(see the Program)
Florence, 3 May 2019
The IASEMS Graduate Conference
Florence, 12 April 2019
Ecocriticism Occasions for debate
Florence, 11 April 2019
- Österreich-Tage in Florenz
Florence, 4-5 April 2019
- Presentation of the volume by Dr. Olga Kusenko,Istoriko-filosofskie issledovanija russkoj mysli v Italii (XX-XXI vv.) (Le ricerche storico-filosofiche sul pensiero russo in Italia, XX-XXI secc.)
Florence, Wednesday, 12 December 2018
The Second Southern-Slavic Influence. A re-reading of cultural relations between Russia, Moscow and the Balkans on the basis of manuscripts and texts
Florence, 4 December 2018
- Prof. Roberto Rosselli del Turco (University of Turin), Three lessons for an introduction to digital editions: Preparation with TEI XML coding and visualization with EVT software
Florence, 26-28 November 2018
Environment, literature and politics. Rereading Petra Kelly
Florence, 22 November 2018
The Material Text in the Early Print Culture of England: From the Sixteenth to the Eighteenth century
Florence, 10 October 2018
Department of Languages, Literature and Intercultural Studies (via S. Reparata, 93)
International CongressEl Teatro español en Europa (siglos XVI-XVIII)
Florence, 12-14 September 2018
Department of Languages, Literature and Intercultural Studies (Via Laura, 48)
Dia Internacional da Língua Portuguesa e das Culturas Lusófonas
Florence, 8 May 2018
Department of Languages, Literature and Intercultural Studies (Via San Gallo, 10)
Global identities
Florence, 3 May 3 June 2018
IASEMS Shakespeare Graduate Conference 2018
Florence, 20 April 2018
the British Institute of Florence (Sala Ferragamo)
“Le regard de Michel Butor, photographe et compagnon des peintres”
Lecture by Prof. Mireille Calle-Gruber (Université de Paris Sorbonne Nouvelle) on the occasion of the publication of the volume: Michel Butor. L’univers géopoétique edited by Isabella Bordoni, an art edition with texts by Mireille Calle-Gruber, Paolo Fabbri and contributions by Michel Butor extracted from conversations with students during two Italian meetings. The book editor and the publisher are present. The meeting was introduced by Isabelle Mallez, Director of the Institut Français Firenze and Honorary Consul of France in Florence, and moderated by Prof. Michela Landi, professor at the University of Florence.
Florence, 16 April 2018
Department of Languages, Literature and Intercultural Studies (Via Santa Reparata 93)
Forgotten Antigone: What remains of Sophocles in the reception of the myth
Lecture by Prof. Sotera Fornaro (University of Sassari) part of the course on German Literature for the DAMS degree program: “Antigone in 20th-century German literature” (Prof. Rita Svandrlik).
Florence, 21 March 2018
Department of Languages, Literature and Intercultural Studies (Via Santa Reparata 93)
"Tradurre: Pratiche teorie strumenti”. An anthology from the journal, 2011-2014
Presentation of the volume by Gianfranco Petrillo, with Susanne Kolb, Massimo Fanfani, Michela Landi and the curator.
Florence, 13 March 2018
Department of Languages, Literature and Intercultural Studies (Via Santa Reparata 93).
LADES - The language of discovery, exploration and settlement
Florence, 15-16 February 2018
Department of Languages, Literature and Intercultural Studies
- Permanent Seminar Language and Literary Relations between Italy and the Iberian Peninsula in Modern Age
Florence, 27 October 2017
Department of Languages, Literature and Intercultural Studies (Via S. Gallo, 10)
CHINED News - Conference on Historical News Discourse