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Corso di Laurea Triennale in Lingue, Letterature e Studi Interculturali
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Knowledge of other languages


The degree program, in the Languages, Literature and Translation Curriculum entails the study of two compulsory languages chosen among the European languages (French, English, Russian, German, Spanish, Portuguese and Finno-Ugric languages). A third language can be studied as an elective subject using the remaining credits (12 CFU). 
The Linguistics and Philology Curriculum entails the study of a single compulsory language chosen among the European languages (French, English, Russian, German, Spanish, Portuguese and Finno-Ugric languages). A third language can be studied as an elective subject using the remaining credits (12 CFU). 
In the Italian-French, Italian-German and Italian-Hungarian Bilateral Studies curricula a compulsory language (French, German, Finno-Ugric Languages) is envisaged, while a second language can be studied as an elective subject (12 CFU).   

Interested students can also extend their foreign languages knowledge by contacting the University Language Centre (CLA)which offers further courses (English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian L2, etc.), diversified by level, timetable and frequency.

last update: 04-Nov-2021
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