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Corso di Laurea Triennale in Lingue, Letterature e Studi Interculturali


CHINED News takes its name from the series of conferences devoted to the study of historical news discourse.

The first Conference on Historical News Discourse (CHINED I) was held in Florence on 2-3 September 2004. The broad aim of this first conference, as with successive conferences, was to provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of recent research in the field of news discourse written in English. News discourse was considered inclusive of not just the hard news of daily newspapers but also other forms of news language in genres preceding or existing alongside the creation and development of the traditional press. We therefore understand news texts to include not just serial publications, such as newspapers and  scholarly transactions, and non-serial publications, such as  pamphlets, but also manuscript transmission of news.

The aim of our CHINED News website is to provide information to fellow researchers working in the language of historical news. We hope that news and information relating to present and past work and events in historical news discourse will  encourage further study in our research area.

We encourage all those interested in enriching the CHINED News website with information relating to either their own research or events or that of others to submit their proposals on the Contact link.

We look forward to hearing from you!

ultimo aggiornamento: 03-Set-2019
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